A few days back my psychiatrist upped my medication stating that I am severely depressed?!?!? Depressed is much better than, "Hey Janie your crazy!" So on a bad day I decided to email her a funny message hoping she would realize that I wasnt doing well and needed to see her ASAP! The email was as follows:
Hey Angie!
I'm gonna need you to call in a refill for me to Walgreens. I've already sold the 30 day supply you gave me 3 days ago! Those babies went like hotcakes!! Call me I made enough money to pay for a appt. with you:)
Janie Marie
Funny right?!?! She would have thought so. That is if I had actually sent it to HER=/ I very easily got her email confused......
These are not actual email addresses just and example
Acar@yourcrazypractice.com (where i wanted to send it)
Agon@yourcrazypractice.com (Where i actually sent it)
Acar is my psychiatrist. Agon is my 7 yr old daughters psychiatrist.
I'm sure she's thinking,no wonder this poor child needs counseling!!!
Ya think I'm still in the running for "Mom of the year award"??