So as some of you may know and many of you don't I am now a single mother. Yikes, I know.
So before I go on let me just say, this is MY blog and I can write whatever I want! The details of my life I wish to share will be shared. Those I do not wish to share will NOT be shared. With that said the comment box is not intended for questions, support, advice, and well wishes are always welcomed.
Ready, Set,.....Lets vent:
Nicas dad invited us all to go to dinner. It made me uncomfortable so I said no. He conveniently asked in front of the kids so of course Nica is upset. She asked if I minded if she went and her dad drop her off later, I didn't mind so.
Nica: Daddy can I go with you and Tia to Dinner, mommy said you can drop me off after?
Daddy: Janie, lets all go have dinner together
Me: I said no thank, I have a million things to do
Daddy: Sorry Nica mommy doesn't want to go so maybe next time.I'm thinkin there are one of two things running through her head. 1.Mommy sucks for saying no and now I can't have dinner with my dad. OR 2.Daddy only wants me if he gets to have mom too.
This is the girls first weekend with their dad. They are very excited because they have missed him. They are packing some bags and they want to know if they can leave a few things at grandmas(where he is staying). I think it's a good idea and I want them to be comfy and have their things while they are gone so I said yes. Only that when I'm dropping off their stuff he says no. He doesn't want to keep any of their things there?!?!? I don't get it. Doesn't he want them to feel like they are a part of the his life? Including the life he lives at grandmas?
I know he is doing the best he knows how, this is hard on us all. But WOW how I would've like to take a baseball bat to his head, I was sooooo pissed!
So enough about him, let's talk about me for once! This week has been eye opening and TUFF!!! Apparently in order for the trash people to pick up your trash you actually have to take the bag out of the trash can and drag it to the end of your driveway.....who would have thought. It is impossible to get 2 children dressed and out the door on time if you wake up at 6:30AM. I have a new appreciation for lunchables! Did any of you know that the garbage disposal has a reset button??? Moving furniture by yourself SUCKS!!! This morning we are walking out the door and I'm trying to figure out what about the front of my house looks soooo terribly wrong. Wait.....think about it.......hmmmmmm..........OH MY HOLY COW "I" have to mow the lawn=/
On the upside, despite what some very negative people would like to think............I GOT THIS!!!!! I'm not good at it yet but give me time and you will see!!!!
Janie Marie
Friday, September 3, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Mommy Fail
A few days back my psychiatrist upped my medication stating that I am severely depressed?!?!? Depressed is much better than, "Hey Janie your crazy!" So on a bad day I decided to email her a funny message hoping she would realize that I wasnt doing well and needed to see her ASAP! The email was as follows:
Hey Angie!
I'm gonna need you to call in a refill for me to Walgreens. I've already sold the 30 day supply you gave me 3 days ago! Those babies went like hotcakes!! Call me I made enough money to pay for a appt. with you:)
Janie Marie
Funny right?!?! She would have thought so. That is if I had actually sent it to HER=/ I very easily got her email confused......
These are not actual email addresses just and example (where i wanted to send it) (Where i actually sent it)
Acar is my psychiatrist. Agon is my 7 yr old daughters psychiatrist.
I'm sure she's thinking,no wonder this poor child needs counseling!!!
Ya think I'm still in the running for "Mom of the year award"??
Hey Angie!
I'm gonna need you to call in a refill for me to Walgreens. I've already sold the 30 day supply you gave me 3 days ago! Those babies went like hotcakes!! Call me I made enough money to pay for a appt. with you:)
Janie Marie
Funny right?!?! She would have thought so. That is if I had actually sent it to HER=/ I very easily got her email confused......
These are not actual email addresses just and example (where i wanted to send it) (Where i actually sent it)
Acar is my psychiatrist. Agon is my 7 yr old daughters psychiatrist.
I'm sure she's thinking,no wonder this poor child needs counseling!!!
Ya think I'm still in the running for "Mom of the year award"??
Friday, June 11, 2010
FlashBack Fridays!!!
Hello Hello!
Okay so my cousin Mindy does this really cute thing called "FlashBack Fridays". I'm gonna try to start my own along with a "Wednesday Whats up". I can't promise that it will post every week as I am a busy busy lady, but I will try my best!
So We are gonna flash back here to 2007 when my babies still seemed to be babies and as the pictures shows I was sleep deprived!!!
Okay so my cousin Mindy does this really cute thing called "FlashBack Fridays". I'm gonna try to start my own along with a "Wednesday Whats up". I can't promise that it will post every week as I am a busy busy lady, but I will try my best!
So We are gonna flash back here to 2007 when my babies still seemed to be babies and as the pictures shows I was sleep deprived!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Did a small interview with the girls today and they were funny! Thought I would share! And yes it is 2 seperate videos because getting them to do one together......HA that's next to impossible!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
My Life
So Life has been pretty shitty to me the past few days, no actually weeks, oh wait no...the past few months is more accurate. But in between all these really crappy moments I have some really amazing moments that make all the bad ones really just disapear!!! I have 3 amazing people in my life to blame for those awesome moments though I won't name names today=D Anyhow I originally thought that I was gonna blog about all the bad things going on but, I figured no one really enjoys listening to Janie BiTcH!!! So instead i thought I would show you all a quick clip of what a typical day looks like for me.......everyday all day. And depending on my mood sometimes this falls into the crappy category and sometimes into the amazing category! On this particualr day I was in a great mood and I thought it was soooo funny. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Color Game
So last night my girls are taking a bath and for once they are not fighting in the bath=). Nica credits this to me taking all the toys out so that her sister can not hit her with them or throw them at her!! I'm in the bathroom with just underwear and a tube top because I was getting dressed to go some where. Nica begins to tell me that she's been wishing on stars and none of her wishes are coming true?!?! I for one don't believe in wishes or giving the stars that kind of responsibility, but better her wish on stars than on me!! Anyhow, She is wishing that her skin was a different color, she would like to be white like mommy (as she points to my milky white belly)???? SERIOUSLY, how the heck do I respond to that? So before I give her my opinion I make sure that this isn't coming from school and it's not something she is getting teased about. I told her that every year I pay lots of money so that I can have the beautiful tan that she has naturally. I reminded her of how her sissy can't stay out in the sun as long as she can because she burns too easily. I told her that she is beautiful the way she is and I love her olive skin!!
The truth is I'm incredibly upset that my baby is so self conscious over something as silly as the color of her skin!!!! I do fake bake myself I will admit. I am very pale and very anemic so when I catch the slightest illness my skin turns a pasty blue and I tend to look deathly ill. Tanning keeps me looking healthy. When I don't tan some people think I'm Caucasian and when I do tan people think I'm Hispanic. Personally, I don't care what they think and I don't think it matters.
So that was last night. This Morning I'm at the hospital getting a treatment and another patient asked me if I was Jewish?!?!?(not the first time I've been asked this) Maybe it was my mood but his question just totally pissed me off! Here's the convo after the Hello, How are you:
Patient: Are you Jewish?
Me: Uh umm, Excuse me, come again
Me: Why?
Patient: Oh because you look Jewish
Me: (chuckle) oh okay, wow, I wasn't aware they had their own look?!?!
Patient: So are you?
Me: Does it matter?
Patient: Well I don't want to insult you by calling you Jewish if your not
Me: (wtf, he did not just say that) well you don't have to call me "Jewish", you can just call me Janie, that is after all the name I introduced myself with.
Why ask? It's none of your business! I get this a lot with my girls. They look nothing alike and neither of them look like me either. Nica has darker skin, jet black hair, and these beautiful kinda slanted eyes that really stood out (and never opened) when she was a baby! And Jillyana is very very light complected, with light brown reddish hair, and lighter brown eyes. People come up to me in the mall or at restaurant and ask all kinds of questions. Are they sisters, are they yours, do they have the same dad, is one white and one Mexican, is her dad Chinese?!?!? Come on people!! First of all who the hell do you think you are to even ask me that? Second, does it even matter, why do you care?!? Does she have to be Mexican cause she's dark? Does she have to be white cause she's light? I guess I have to be Jewish because I'm light skinned with black hair?!?!
You don't need to know my back ground we are who and what we are, take it or leave it, regardless of the color of our skin. My 7 year old needs to be worrying about her grades and being a good person, she has more important things to worry about than whether or not this society will accept her for the color of her skin!!!
Have a lovely day! Here is a pic of Nica-Boo acting like a bunny this morning!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Kiss Kiss say whaaaaaat
This morning I woke up late (again) and once again Nica and I are rushing to dress, eat, grab our crap and get out the door. We have 5 minutes till it's time to leave the house and Nica ask me what I packed her for lunch. LOL.......I'm sorry, what did I pack you for what?!?!? Oh yes that's right, I'm supposed to feed you daily =/ So I told her she had perfect timing cause I was just about to pack it and she would get to help!!!!
Well except that I packed while she talked.
Went a little something like this....(and excuse me as I will be name dropping!)
Nica: OMG mom yesterday at lunch Steven game me a kiss and it was sooo good
Me: silence, gut in the throat, eyes way more wide open than they need to be in the morning
Nica: He was gonna give Reagan a kiss but she told him no because she would get in trouble so he chose me instead!!!!
Me: EXCUSE ME?!?!?
Nica: Mom listen it's okay its much better that he gave me the kiss and not her. Cause I'm a lot nicer to him than she is and I always give him hugs and kisses and she never wants to give him anything cause she's selfish.
Me: pulling out my Webster cause I'm hoping that for the last
years Ive had the wrong meaning for the word "always"
Nica: Nicole said she was gonna give Steven a kiss at lunch today but he told her no that he only likes the kisses that I give him
Me: Nica please stop talking for a second, mommy doesn't feel good and I cant breath
Nica: I think he likes mine because.....
Me: Nica shut up (tears tears and here comes a panic attack)
Nica: ...cause they are the Easter pastel colors, so can you pack a few extra in my lunch box today so I can give him some
Me: I'm sorry, what am I packing here??
Nica: kisses mom, the Easter Hershey kisses you've been packing me..
Dear child,
New house rule, please do not speak to me before 8am....ever. It will in no way benefit you!
*note to all other children mentioned in today's blog*
Steven, you know I love you sweet child but tell you mom to go buy you your own damn Easter kisses. Reagan, I am so proud of you for giving up chocolate for lent and sticking with it, next year Nica will be giving up "kisses" for lent!! Which means that Nicole, you and Steven can now share all the kisses you want amongst each other.
Some one shoot me now!
On a much sillier note, here a small clip of the girls for you to enjoy!
Well except that I packed while she talked.
Went a little something like this....(and excuse me as I will be name dropping!)
Nica: OMG mom yesterday at lunch Steven game me a kiss and it was sooo good
Me: silence, gut in the throat, eyes way more wide open than they need to be in the morning
Nica: He was gonna give Reagan a kiss but she told him no because she would get in trouble so he chose me instead!!!!
Me: EXCUSE ME?!?!?
Nica: Mom listen it's okay its much better that he gave me the kiss and not her. Cause I'm a lot nicer to him than she is and I always give him hugs and kisses and she never wants to give him anything cause she's selfish.
Me: pulling out my Webster cause I'm hoping that for the last
years Ive had the wrong meaning for the word "always"
Nica: Nicole said she was gonna give Steven a kiss at lunch today but he told her no that he only likes the kisses that I give him
Me: Nica please stop talking for a second, mommy doesn't feel good and I cant breath
Nica: I think he likes mine because.....
Me: Nica shut up (tears tears and here comes a panic attack)
Nica: ...cause they are the Easter pastel colors, so can you pack a few extra in my lunch box today so I can give him some
Me: I'm sorry, what am I packing here??
Nica: kisses mom, the Easter Hershey kisses you've been packing me..
Dear child,
New house rule, please do not speak to me before 8am....ever. It will in no way benefit you!
*note to all other children mentioned in today's blog*
Steven, you know I love you sweet child but tell you mom to go buy you your own damn Easter kisses. Reagan, I am so proud of you for giving up chocolate for lent and sticking with it, next year Nica will be giving up "kisses" for lent!! Which means that Nicole, you and Steven can now share all the kisses you want amongst each other.
Some one shoot me now!
On a much sillier note, here a small clip of the girls for you to enjoy!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I Want My Marbles Back...
I have totally lost my marbles!!!
So little miss Nica Boo has testing this week. Very similar to the public schools "TASK" testing. She is in the first grade and this is her very first year of testing. At our PTO meeting we discussed appropriate snacks and drinks to be provided for the kiddos during this week. Then as homeroom mom for her class I sent out emails requesting snack and waters to be brought in by parents. So last night I stayed up till midnight packaging grapes and chex mix for 25 kids and then printing out labels for each child water bottles. This morning i wake up in the mad mom rush!! I get Nica fed and im fighting my no coffee mood swings to ensure that she has a pleasant morning for her first day of testing!! I have to locate and clean the ice chest and then chug-a-lug it to my car. Once in my car I see that baby girl is tired and has no energy, so i decide to hall but and pick her up an orange juice on the way to school. OH but wait if she needs energy, I bet the whole class needs energy and what kind of a homeroom mom would I be if I didnt get orange juice for the whole class?!?!? And wait a minute.....who wants warm OJ and water?!?!?! Not I said the cat, not I said the mouse, then who?!?! (is that a song or something?!?!) okay so off we run into walmart to get 25 orange juices and ice. And because we are'nt already late we get chased into the store by a stray dog! okay, corrections i was chased in by the dog, nica was held back by the dog! "oh, mommy, he has a tag, can we please call animal rescue?, it's lenten season!!!" (i'm so sick of hearing that by the way!!) We get to school with 2 minutes to spare before she is TARDY, running running running in with 1 ice chest thats heavy as hell, 1 giant bag of grapes, 1 giant bag of chex mix, and 1 overfilled back pack, almost to the door............................and then I hear a mother in the parking lot say, "yep that's right testing begins TUESDAY." effing shit!
Marbles all over the parking lot, who would like to help me find them?!?!
So little miss Nica Boo has testing this week. Very similar to the public schools "TASK" testing. She is in the first grade and this is her very first year of testing. At our PTO meeting we discussed appropriate snacks and drinks to be provided for the kiddos during this week. Then as homeroom mom for her class I sent out emails requesting snack and waters to be brought in by parents. So last night I stayed up till midnight packaging grapes and chex mix for 25 kids and then printing out labels for each child water bottles. This morning i wake up in the mad mom rush!! I get Nica fed and im fighting my no coffee mood swings to ensure that she has a pleasant morning for her first day of testing!! I have to locate and clean the ice chest and then chug-a-lug it to my car. Once in my car I see that baby girl is tired and has no energy, so i decide to hall but and pick her up an orange juice on the way to school. OH but wait if she needs energy, I bet the whole class needs energy and what kind of a homeroom mom would I be if I didnt get orange juice for the whole class?!?!? And wait a minute.....who wants warm OJ and water?!?!?! Not I said the cat, not I said the mouse, then who?!?! (is that a song or something?!?!) okay so off we run into walmart to get 25 orange juices and ice. And because we are'nt already late we get chased into the store by a stray dog! okay, corrections i was chased in by the dog, nica was held back by the dog! "oh, mommy, he has a tag, can we please call animal rescue?, it's lenten season!!!" (i'm so sick of hearing that by the way!!) We get to school with 2 minutes to spare before she is TARDY, running running running in with 1 ice chest thats heavy as hell, 1 giant bag of grapes, 1 giant bag of chex mix, and 1 overfilled back pack, almost to the door............................and then I hear a mother in the parking lot say, "yep that's right testing begins TUESDAY." effing shit!
Marbles all over the parking lot, who would like to help me find them?!?!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Big Girls Dont Cry
Hello! I know it's been a while but I thought what the heck!!!
So i've been a little under the weather lately with this fabulous sickness called kidney disease. So today I had some test scheduled, nothing major, you know just your regular biopsy and ct scan!!! I woke up to find my sweet Nica all dressed up and ready to go to the beach. I wanted to give a her a hard time cause that's what mommies do, so i told her i couldnt believe that while i was gonna be getting poked with needles she was gonna be sun-bathing sippin down a virgin margarita on the beach!!!! HER RESPONSE: "Mommy, I can't just sit around this house all day worrying about you, Dr. Martinez says that kind of stress is just not good for my anxiety! It's linten season, you shouldnt be so selfish mom, think of me too."
Are you FREAKIN kidding me?!?!? That child sounds exactly like like me.............yikes, scary!
Now while Nica is havin a good ol time at the beach, I somehow got stuck with Jillyana?!?! YEP, that's right taking little miss "princess" to the doc with me =/ She was actually pretty good but, i found it amusing that everytime i got teary eyed she would say things like, "be a big girls mom, it not that bad!" or "if you no stop crying doctor no give you lollipops!"
so now we have a night of cinderella, princess on the prog, popcorn and candy on the couch!! Hop you all enjoy your weekend!!!
Here is a recent picture of the girls:)

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