Howdy everyone!
Yesterday Nica and I decide to run to the store for some cupcake liners and of course we get lured into the Valentine isle. Actually I was lured (very easily side tracked). Any how Nica asked if we had already gotten daddy a Valentine in which I replied yes. She wanted to know if she could get him something that was just from her. Awwwwwwwwwwww how sweet I thought so of course i let her pick something out. She loves cats =/ so she picked out a box of chocolates with a kitten on it that said "Your my Purrrrrrrrrrfect Valentine." She also decided to give him one of those Hannah Montana singing cards. When we get home I send her to her room to do all her valentines. she has great handwriting and is an excellent speller so this is the first year she didn't need supervision writing them out! Right before bedtime I go to her room and she's showing me all the ones she has finished, I ask her where is the stuff for her father. Her response: "I must have lost it mommy cause I've looked all over the place for it and its just not here. but, that's okay cause you said you already got him something from all of us, right?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I knew something wasn't right by the way she was acting but, i decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and I spent the rest of the evening searching high and low. Nothing to be found.
This Morning I drop Nica off in carpool and when I get tot he gas station I notice that she has left her backpack in the back seat. Im getting off at the school to take it in and decide to look inside to make sure she remembered her lunch. Inside is her daddy's Valentine Chocolate Box along with the singing card perfectly sealed. Only that it doesn't say daddy on it, it says "To: Marc" Any how that's pretty much all I can write about it without crying as I did this morning! Crying cause its cute and at the same time cause its not cute. crying cause she's sweet and crying cause I'd really like to get my hands on that stinkin little Marc. Briefly giggling that she was smart enough to pull one over on me and then crying again cause she totally dissed her daddy. Lots of mixed emotions right now.
So dinner with Jillyana was fun last night. Here is a glimpse
Janie Marie
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Avocados and Oranges!!
Hello, hope everyone is having a fabulous week! Mine has been very busy with work and sick kiddos!

So yesterday I was in a mad rush to pick up my sister-in-law (who is like a daughter to me) from school. The plan was to pick her up and head straight home with no stops in between. Jillyana wanted to come for the ride and needed a little fresh air so off we go. Jillyana is bear foot and i have to quickly make the decision on whether or not to put shoes on her. well shoes total an additional 5-6 minutes per child in our household. 2 to put on socks and shoes, and then when arriving back home another 4 minutes to find socks and shoes and put them back on (she always takes them off and tosses them who knows where)!!! Well 5-6 minutes can make or break ya when your a mom on the go and late for carpool! So, i decided NO on the shoes:).
On our way home the hubby calls that our sick nica would really like chalupas for dinner if i wouldn't mind stopping at Kroger's for some avocados and cheese. Avocados and cheese don't require the big basket. I toss baby girl on the hip since she has no shoes and here we go to find avocados. I'm reaching at the very top feeling all the green avocados trying to find at least 1 good one (Kroger's sucks) when i here a lady giggle and say "uh ma am, your daughter." she is sitting on my hip tossing oranges onto the twenty some oranges!!! you try picking up that many oranges with little piggy riding saddle!!! LOL as we make our way to check out she proceeds to throw fits for every thing she wants. ya know the kind of fit where she straightens her body, making it very hard to carry her, 2 avocados, 1 block of cheese, and the gummy snacks i gave into (should have gotten the basket, i know)! we finally get to Rosie our cashier and Jilly puts on her sweetest smile as Rosie says," wow, isn't she just an angel." Talk about biting my tongue!
Any how, Nica and I went to get pedicures this weekend. (her big reward for going 2 months without getting her color moved!) she wants to wear makeup already and of course i told her no. her response: (tons of attitude and her best valley girl accent) "ughhh MOOOOOM, I'm like already gonna be 7!!!!!!!!"

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